Icons Galore



icons galore by CJ Balogh, on Flickr

Generally, I don't use photoshop much on photos (I know, how ironic) but I can usually do what I want to do in iPhoto in about 30 seconds, unless something really needs fixing, then I'll go into photoshop. This was one of those 'major fixes'.

It was pretty dull and overcast when I shot this, so the colors were anything but vibrant. This was as good as I could get it after some time spent on it. Let me know what you think. If you have any suggestions on fixing overcast day photos please let me know.
Nice! ; I really like the composition. ; Where was this taken from? ; BLT?

I think it looks a little dark. ; You might want to try lightening everything but the sky. ; Also, it looks like you have a dust spot in the sky (about a third of the way in from the right and just above the top of the castle in height). ; Other than that, I think it looks good.
Looks good to me, I like it. ; The colors are really popping out on my end. ; The only thought might be if you can darken the sky. ; It looks almost washed out, but the rest is nice. ; I like it.