I hate tourists....(Temple of the Forbidden Eye)


Staff member
Okay, this ride is now the Hardest Ride to Photograph in a Disney Parkâ„¢ [nb]Offer excludes theme parks located outside the United States. ; Also excludes the same ride called by a different name.[/nb]

When I get home I'll try Dfine and/or NN on it along with a better monitor to view them on.

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whatcha talking, 'bout, roger?
not the hardest ride in all of disney[nb]Peter Pan's Flight[/nb]

And you have what else from that ride??? ; I don't think I was able to get many keepers. ;
this is about it for the on-ride stuff... ; queue line? ; no problem[nb]it's practically an attraction in itself[/nb]

Queue lines don't count. ; And you know what, that sounds about right. (the beginning and ending only)
And on another note: ; Remember was cancelled Friday and Saturday night {WEATHER}, so no fireworks shots this time :(

And it was my last chance to see Remember too.
"PolynesianMedic" said:
Sorry you missed it Roger!

I gotta say though, I LOVE the avatar!

Thanks! ; I have another option from Legoland as well, should be good for the lulz!
It was fun going on this on my trip a couple of weeks ago. ; It was closed for one day I visited a couple of years back. ; I put my camera away when I went on this ride figuring I wouldn't get anything useful and I wanted to enjoy! ; Plus I was in the back row.