Howdy Folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(i don't really talk like that)

I know some of you from Flickr and the DisBoards. ; I just happened to see Tom (WDWFigment) mention this site somewhere; so I decided to check it out. ; I have now found a new place to "waste" lots of time. ; ;) ; I really look forward to see everyone's view of Disney.
Welcome. ; This site has become my number one time waster, too. ; Don't be shy and be sure to post some shots.
Welcome over here! ; I know you from the dis...glad to see you found this board too. ; It's a good bunch - you can even meet some of us in person for Pixelmania, since you indicate you live in the Orlando should stop in!
yes, do stop an set a spell at pixelmania, and i kind of do talk like that
welcome aboard
Welcome SRisonS :D

I'm a newbie to the site (posting, that is...always have lurked ;) ) and it's a great place to spend some time online! :)