holmes county, ohio


farm in holmes county ohio, taken from the railing of the back parking lot of der dutchman restaurant, walnut creek, ohio, right before we went in to have lunch, very misty day, kind of lent an ethereal look to the view, that's why i left the background sky blown out and soft
5d, 24-105,tripod, f8 and be there

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you seem to have a knack for finding scenic areas, g-money.
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well we work at it quite hard, it makes having a camper and $2.90 a gallon deisel fuel worth doing
and i have to admit to having a thing for the red barn/white trim look, i grew up in the eastern tip of long island when it was still rural and the majority of the land was still farmed, karen grew up on a working farm, driving equipment and pulling her weight as a farmhand, esp since benny has no sons so the 4 girls were the hands
nothing speaks to our hearts more than the red barn, white farmhouse, to us that is quintessential rural america