One of the best I've ever seen from this show. ; Great work not blowing a single highlight. ; That truly is incredible!!!
WOW! ; Fantastic Shot Tim. Tim do you find Holiday Wishes easier/different to shoot than Hallowishes? ; Just curious since I seem to recall the castle being a bit darker during Hallowishes.
honestly, i worry more about the fireworks than the castle. ; at any rate, i just go Tv 3-4 seconds and go from there. ; i usually only hope for a handful of keepers out of an entire show. it did seem that i could time the bursts during holiday wishes a little easier than usual.
If you're worried about the Castle, I think HalloWishes is much more difficult due to the lighting on the Castle. ; I usually don't worry about the Castle either (so both shows are pretty comparable, difficulty-wise). ; The only time I do worry about the Castle is at the end of Holiday Wishes (or maybe even Wishes in general during the Christmas season, I can't remember) when the Dream Lights come back on. ; I think those make for awesome photography, so I make sure the Castle looks good, too.
great capture! What was the f stop and iso? I like to use iso 100, f/8-f/10 in bulb mode, with mirror lockup for fireworks.
I keep coming back to this shot so I can marvel at the colors. ; Those Disney pyro guys have done an outstanding job. ; I'm looking forward to seeing the show in person. ; Great capture, Tim.