
Hi there! Just joined the forum, looking forward to sharing and learning! I have been to WDW 6 times. Twice when I was a kid, last four times with DH who I have also made into a Disney lover! Last two times with my ODD and now we are planning a trip in May 2011, with my YDD. They will be 4 yo and 15 mths when we go. Really looking forward to it! Both sets of grandparents are coming so we are renting a house offsite. I am a little nervous staying offsite but it makes the most sense for our group. I'll just have to plan a trip onsite in 2012! :)
Welcome. Let the posting begin.

Please tell us a bit about yourself.

1. What's your first name?
2. Do you have a nickname?
3. What Province do you live in?
4. How did you find the DisneyMagic.ca forums?
5. Age (or age range)?
6. Marital status?
7. Occupation?
8. Favorite food?
9. What vehicle do you have?
10. Which WDW park is your favorite?
11. Who is your favorite character in a WDW attraction?
12. How often do you take a trip to WDW?
13. Explain your user name/how you came up with it.
14. How long have you been a Disney addict?
Welcome to the site ... Sorry I didn't post sooner but I was in YellowKnife with NO internet. (cry)
Alright, here goes!
1. Julie
2. Jules
3. Ontario
4. From another forum
5. 30
6. Yep married with two kids
7. On Mat leave right now
8. Pizza
9. Rav 4
10. MK
11. Mickey Mouse...I am old school!
12. Almost every year
13. My kids names start with O and R
14. hhmmmm....well I have always loved Disney movies but my addiction to the parks probably started 10-12 years ago

"Ham Ham" said:
Welcome. Let the posting begin.

Please tell us a bit about yourself.

1. What's your first name?
2. Do you have a nickname?
3. What Province do you live in?
4. How did you find the DisneyMagic.ca forums?
5. Age (or age range)?
6. Marital status?
7. Occupation?
8. Favorite food?
9. What vehicle do you have?
10. Which WDW park is your favorite?
11. Who is your favorite character in a WDW attraction?
12. How often do you take a trip to WDW?
13. Explain your user name/how you came up with it.
14. How long have you been a Disney addict?
Welcome to the friendliest place north of the 49th parallel.
