HI..I am new here

Hi...My name is Diana. I hail from the City of Brotherly Love!!! I joined this site today..and I cant wait to explore and meet new Disneyers. I love browsing and helping. I love to help people plan their trips to the World. I am always planning to go..even when their are no funds available. So far I have visited Disney World 3 times. The last trip was August 20-27 of 2007. We stayed at POR ..and we had 6 character meals! We celebrated my children's birthdays. It was a great experience for them.
Well..Hi to all ...and I cant wait to meet new Disney Addicts like myself! :D
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hi there and welcome. you are not far from the home of TMIP in south jersey. read the little tag under my avatar and it explains it all. welcome and thanks.
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Late welcome Diana...bring me down some Geno's! ;)

Glad to have you aboard. Plenty of Disney addicts here, so you'll fit right in.
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If I could I would shower some cheesesteaks..and hoagies your way!!! Hmm..you are making me hungry!! :)
Sorry, I havent been on very much..I became a Pixie Postcard Fairy..and have been busy getting the Lists together. I must say...I have viewed any clickable website on everyone's responses..and I am very jealous.
Now, I know when I do get back to the World.. to keep my camera plastered on my eye.... and get a new perspective. Challenge myself..and learn what all those settings and codes really mean on the camera...LOL
I know..your all thinking.."read the manual" LOL ..You are talking to a person who could put Lego buildings together in 20 minutes..without "reading the manual" LOL NOt your typical gal here..I learn by hands on..

Anyway..I love ALL your photography... I now have aspirations....
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