Hi Everyone!

Hi everyone! ; I just joined this forum yesterday! ; Let's see, I love photography, Disney and travel. ; That's a great combination isn't it? ;
Here is a picture of myself at Epcot.

To be honest, I don't have too many pictures of me. ; I would rather take pictures instead of be in them.

I have been taking pictures since I think 1975 and I have been shooting an SLR since 1980. ; My current camera is a Nikon D300. ; Yes, I apparently like to carry a heavy camera back pack. ; ;D ; Normally in the parks, I shoot my point & shoot which is currently an Olympus model but the past couple trips I have also been taking my SLR with me.

I just love Disney and I am currently in a pattern where 1 vacation each year is at Disney and 1 is somewhere else. ; I am a DVC member and have my points at AKV which I love.
My next trips are: ; DVC cruise next week, I'll be taking my point & shoot on this trip and a solo trip to WDW in December (12/4-12/15). ; I'll have both cameras on that trip because I am hoping to do the sunset safari.

I also use the same screen name on DISBoards, Tagrel and DVC News.
On Facebook, I am Roberta Klisiewicz
Welcome fellow photog and Disney fan. ; You'll fit right in around here.

I basically take the same pattern you do, with my Disney vacations and one other annual vacation (usually a cruise). ; Of course, my Disney vacations are 4-6 trips a year, since I live close by!

Enjoy the forums, and plunge right in!
Welcome aboard. ; Glad to see you made it over from Tagrel. ; I'm looking forward to seeing you in December.