Hi ABC Mom... welcome to Disney Magic!!!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by highland3, Aug 12, 2009.

  1. highland3

    highland3 Member

    We're a friendly Canadian community dedicated to all things Disney.

    If you're willing... why not share a little info with our friendly group!!!!

    1. What's your first name? ;
    2. Do you have a nickname?
    3. What Province do you live in?
    4. How did you find the DisneyMagic.ca forums?
    5. Age (or age range)?
    6. Marital status?
    7. Occupation?
    8. Favorite food?
    9. What vehicle do you have?
    10. Which WDW park is your favorite?
    11. Who is your favorite character in a WDW attraction?
    12. How often do you take a trip to WDW?
    13. Explain your user name/how you came up with it.
    14. How long have you been a Disney addict? ;
  2. realfam

    realfam Member

    Welcome to the Disney Magic! ; Plenty of great people and info here. ; Feel free to ask any questions
  3. Ham Ham

    Ham Ham Member

    Welcome ABC Mom !!!!

  4. Sean&Karen

    Sean&Karen Guest

    Welcome to the site
  5. CameraGirl

    CameraGirl Member

    Welcome to a very friendly group!
  6. ABC Mom

    ABC Mom Member

    :-[ I just noticed this thread....oops!

    Thank you, for the lovely welcome!

    Anyhow,about me......
    1. What's your first name? Karen
    2. Do you have a nickname? No....but does "Mommy" count? I am called that by three little ones....lol
    3. What Province do you live in? Ontario
    4. How did you find the DisneyMagic.ca forums? I was Googling something while starting the preliminary planning for our vacaation and voila....there is Disney Magic ; ;D
    5. Age (or age range)?

    6. Marital status? Married....10 years
    7. Occupation? Self-Employed Graphic Designer
    8. Favorite food? I flip flop a lot on this one....usually between a pale pink and royal blue
    9. What vehicle do you have? mini-van
    10. Which WDW park is your favorite? Animal Kingdom
    11. Who is your favorite character in a WDW attraction? Cinderella? I guess, as again....that is one I change my mind on
    12. How often do you take a trip to WDW? Sadly, I have been only twice. 1988 with my friend's family, and in 1999 on our honeymoon. We plan on going back MANY times with our children. 2010 being our first visit.
    13. Explain your user name/how you came up with it. First 3 letters are my children's initials.
    14. How long have you been a Disney addict? I'd have to say since my first trip in March 1988.
  7. Sean&Karen

    Sean&Karen Guest

    You just became my new bestfriend.. lol I am looking for a few things to get designed. We should talk :)

  8. welcome, welcome

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