Here Comes Trouble...


Staff member
Darla, from the Nemo Submarine Voyage

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You were just too quick on the draw on that one. My stupid lens went into scanning mode and wouldn't lock on for that shot. I was ticked
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Dude, will you slow down?????

I'm still going through my MSEP, sorry DEP pics! Granted, I'm also working on more kitty pics.... ;-)
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sorry, bro... on a roll!
BUT... that's it for tonight... MUST HAVE SLEEP!
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Okay, then look at the kitty pics tomorrow. Have a good night sleep!
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Well I finished the RAW processing for DEP a few days ago, and the Subs this morning before work (to batch convert). Now all it'll be is some minor cropping, et al to get them online, so by Sunday.

Assuming my kids actually sleep tonight. >:(
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Yeah, she does look like trouble....

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