Hello! I'm Streak! :)


Hello everyone! My name is Streak (my real name is Trisha), but I prefer to be called Streak online. It is actually a nickname I've had for about 10 years now (I turn 24 in a couple weeks).

Anyway, I've always loved Disney movies. Mulan is probably my all time favorite. The first Mulan though. The sequel is not awful, but I have some issues with some Disney sequels. Not all of them. It is a pet peeve of mine, but I cannot stand when the voice actors in sequels are not the same as the original. I'm sure if you had not watched the first Mulan in a while you would not notice the difference. But, I'm a person that has seen the series enough to say every line along with it.

I'm a mommy of one. I would be lying if I did not say I cannot wait until he is old enough to start enjoying Disney shows! Right now he is hooked a a preschooler show on Sprout called Super Why! and then he likes watching Despicable Me. Presently, I cannot get him to watch anything else (he's almost two). I'm hoping once he gets a little bigger he'll watch to color and watch Disney movies with his mommy! (I'm such a big kid at heart...)

Looking forward to meeting everyone and participating in some conversations. Thanks for having me!