Hello from North Carolina

Hi, I have finally found my way to the forums and have joined. Not sure at this time how to get my pictures posted to the site. (size reduction requirements) My wife and I have been visiting WDW every year for the ten years or so an have always enjoyed the parks. We were there during Mousefest 2007 and found that meeting with all the other mouse fans really made it a great trip. Judy and I are taking a quick trip in August for an early birthday celebration for our 9 year old grand-daughter. (Would have preferred to have done this later in the year but could not get her parent's permission to take her out of school.) Looking forward to seeing all of your pics and meeting you in the parks.
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Welcome to the boards rhinohunter! Recent changes to the board allow for larger posting of images that the site will host using the attachment feature (additional options below a post window). Otherwise you can also use the "img" tags to post from other web spaces - like a personal one.
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hey i remember you, mr. rhino hunter, if that is in fact your real name!

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Tim, I did not remember that shot. Looks like it was one of the few good strokes at the golf tournament. Haven't seen anything posted for MF from you yet. Looking forward to December. Thanks for posting the picture. Rhinohunter was the Passporter forum ID I started with last year when my wife and I were planning for MF2007. It is really indicative of the hunt for rhino Disney pins and has nothing to do with the endangered animal.
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check out THIS THREAD for some TMIP 2008 MouseFest breaking news...
Fantasia part deux is very much a possibility for Saturday or Sunday nite...

BTW, mini-golf skillz must run in the family:

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You did good with the pics. Judy sure looks a lot better than I do in your picture of me. You can tell I really mrried UP. BTW, not sure if you were addressing me or not snce you called me "James" in the reply. The correct name is Michael. Is there a way that we can get copies of these two pictures from Fantasia last year? Judy would like to have them for her scapbook.

Both of them are really bright. I do not remember that much light while we were playing and I know that you do not like to use flash. Did you edit the pics?
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michael, your eyes deceive you. where did I call you James? ;) ;)
I can send you copies, just PM your addy once again to me and the brightness, etc comes from shooting raw.
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