Head shots...need opinions


I've been so busy lately I haven't really haven't been on the forums much. My neighbor ask me to take a few head shots for her theatre class at USM. I only had a few minutes yesterday in the backyard. I'm by no means even a little experienced with portraiture and posing. What do you think of these three shots? I wanted to ask before I turn them over to her.

Megan 4 by Harry Shields, on Flickr

Megan 2 by Harry Shields, on Flickr

Megan by Harry Shields, on Flickr
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I really like the 2nd one, especially in b&w. ; The first one is fine also. By only gripe about #3 is you cut off the top of her head a bit but all in all your shots were well executed. ;

Keep practicing and you will be just fine. ;
Thanks Tim. #2 is my style, a candid shot in the moment. I'm definitely going to have to practice on posing and framing portraits. I told get to let me take some more shots when we both have more time.
Just be careful to not over think the shot or over-pose the model. ; Let it happen naturally and your pics will be better. ;
My favorite is the third one, but as Tim said, the top part of her head. ; As far as giving you tips, I have never taken any portraits, so I got nothin.
#1 & #3 both have a bright spot of sunshine behind on the left. ; For me this tends to distract from the subject which is her face. ; Those spots could be toned down in Photoshop or other image manipulation software without cutting down on the nice lighting on her face.
Tim, John and Bill, thanks for the opinions and tips. I'll have to take more notice of backgrounds and light. This is one area I would love to learn more about. Then maybe I'd like to learn off camera flash. Just maybe. ;)