Have you been on Expedition Everest?

I am just wondering if anyone on this board has been on Everest yet. ; I know it just opened, but I would love to hear what it was like.
It's awesome!

We went on it a few days before the official opening... I posted a review in the "Your Disney Review" section :)
Oh, I can't wait to go on it in a few weeks. ; It will be a blast. ; FH and I watched a video of the ride. ; Looks crazy and like so much fun!!
We loved it... we're both roller-coaster freaks, but weren't at all disappointed with this one, even though it doesn't have any inversions. ; I think they hit a good balance with this one... it'll appeal to the thrill-seekers, but also the folks who aren't so keen on coasters probably.
Well... it's a tough comparison. ; I think I preferred Everest, but that might just be because it's new.

The Basics:
Rockin' Roller coaster is a launched ride, whereas Everest is a chain & hill coaster.
Rockin' Roller coaster is all forward motion with inversions; Everest has high speeds and tight turns, but no inversions... but it does go both forward and backward.
Rockin' Roller coaster is black-light all indoors; ; Everest is a mix of inside and outside the mounatin and a variety of lighting effects (but no black-light).

Plus Everest has a kick-@ss audio-animatronics component... and the line is less boring. ; But it doesn't have cool tunes ;)

Both have fast-pass available. ; When we were there, they were experimenting with a 'single rider' line for Everest. ; And there's talk of a real snow effect for part of the ride (if they can get the darn thing to work with the temps in Florida... it was part of the design, though, so they'll probably work darn hard to find a way to make it happen).
We didn't go on it when we were there.......we are not big ride people.......but everyone that we heard getting off of it, absolutely loved it.........a few even went right back into the lineup........
Of course I went on when I got there. ; It was so much fun and the lineup for the fast past went really quick. ; It was awesome. ; I loved the whole ride, but I did have a bit of pain in my neck when I got off. ; I tried resting my head back on the seat, but it wasn't in time to experience a little bit of soreness from the gravity of the ride. ; All good though. ;D