Have a look at a gallery from fresh Disney eyes!


Staff member
My buddy Mike, a long-time photographer and professional videographer, had not been to Disney in well over a decade. I talked him into coming on up for Mousefest, to both check out the parks and to have some photography fun too - some of the TMIPers who were there may remember meeting him.

Anyway, he got his gallery up, and I forgot to share it here - it's nice sometimes to see the shots and ideas that an essentially brand-new set of eyes to Disney World will come up with. He loved the trip and the parks, and needless to say there won't be anywhere near as long a gap between visits next time.

There are a few TMIP shots in there, of me, Tim, or a few other folks on the photo walks. And he's got a couple of nice shots of Randy and Off Kilter that I may post for him to the Randy thread. He's been buried in his work, editing and shooting video stuff - but I'm going to remind him to stop by here and register, even if he doesn't have too much time to post often.

Anyway, please visit the gallery here:


And feel free to post any comments either direct to his gallery, or here in this thread and I'll make sure he pops in to read any comments or questions.
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He does have a nice shot of Randy! Be sure to get that over to the contest thread by tomorrow - that's the deadline. A decision will be made in the next week or so about the winner.
Thanks Kiki. Mike's out of town for a few days so I was unable to get him to e-mail them in time...I posted the two shots to the contest thread, and don't know if that will fly for the deadline. if not, no problem. I'll talk to Mike by the weekend and let him know I posted his shots of the band.
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You're right Craig that shot is great! There are a lot of other great shots in there too!
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