Haunted Mansion

Has anyone here seen the refurbed attraction?

I'm going to shortly and can not wait! ; I've heard nothing but great things about it and I really felt that the attraction desperately needed a facelift for some time now...
Can't wait to see how they've updated it.
My 8 year old refuses to return to the ride since it frightened her so much back in 2005.
I'm curious to see how they've updated the attraction.

OOOOHHHHHHHHH!!! ; It is so good!!!!!! ; I can't believe how much they changed, it is soooooo much better!!!! ; Miss M , you are going to love it!
"mini-canadian" said:
OOOOHHHHHHHHH!!! ; It is so good!!!!!! ; I can't believe how much they changed, it is soooooo much better!!!! ; Miss M , you are going to love it!

How about a little detail with out spoiling the surprise.
There was an interesting teaser in an article in the online Ottawa Citizen. ; A reporter was down there with a plane load of kids from the Make A Wish Foundation.
Myself, I find it hard to explain anything without spoiling it for someone. ; Prior to us going I made sure that I did not read a thing about it, that way it would all be a surprise.

I can say that if you were a fan of HM, you will be forever more after seeing it! ; (ooh, that is mean isn't it? ;)) ; Of course they did the regular enhancements of fixing the sound problems and cleaning up in the cemetary scene. Even if you aren't going to see it anytime in the near future, it is worth the wait to see it for yourself (IMHO)

Speaking of all that, I even waited over a year to ride EE and stayed away from anything written about it....can you imagine my surprise when we started going backwards , oh, and the yeti!??? ; LOL!!! ; Ooops, hopefully didn't spoil that for someone.
Wow mini, I can not imagine keeping away from stuff about EE! ; That must of been real tough to do.

I can't imagine the HM being any worse than it was, especially the sound. ; ::) ; I'm looking very forward to it, as it's a personal fav.
mini-canadian, good for you for staying away from EE excitement. ; I bet it was fun not knowing. ; I know when I went on I kept thinking were the things I read about going to happen. It took a little bit of the surprise out, but it was still a blast. ;

I can't wait to check out the Haunted Mansion as well. ; I love that picture you posted Ham Ham. ; Maybe I will be lucky enough to snap a few on the ride. ;
That picture is of Nathan and Tim

"Ham Ham" said:
Can't wait to see how they've updated it.
My 8 year old refuses to return to the ride since it frightened her so much back in 2005.
I'm curious to see how they've updated the attraction.

Wow mini, I can not imagine keeping away from stuff about EE! ; That must of been real tough to do.

Totally worth it though! ; I always do that, stayed away from the HM stuff too, oh, and POC! ; ; Now I will stay away from SE, til I get to go again, which seems like forever and ever!!! :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Wee did it the week after it re-opened and it was awesome! ; As expected. ; Man do we love that ride. ; The great thing about going at that time of year is no line ups. ; We walk on the ride 3times in a row with no one in front of us.
Wont tell you any details, but that its a must ride while there.
I am looking forward to DH seeing the HM on our upcoming trip, he hasn't seen it yet, but he has had to listen to me telling him how great it is. ; Hope he likes it too! ; What a great job they did! ; ;D
I agree. ; Some of the new effect are verrrry good.

DW (aka the big chicken) actually went on it this time and seemed to like it.