Haunted Mansion Bride Live


Staff member
She sits in front of the Haunted Manison during the Halloween Parties. She is AWESOME! She is so much fun to talk to and watch. For the second one, she told me to stop taking pictures so she could sit down and pose properly. The fog was great this year for photos, it came out in waves instead of continously, allowing for better pics.
She is one of my favorite parts of the party.

Haunted Manison Live Bride by cdbendele, on Flickr

Haunted Manison Live Bride Portrait by cdbendele, on Flickr
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Awesome! ; That was nice of her to pose for you. ; Did she replace the storyteller they had in the same spot a couple of years ago? ; I remember seeing pictures of a lady on that bench during MNSSHP
I'll have to ask her for a pose on my visit in three weeks. ; Excellent work Craig. ; Did you use flash on the last one or others? ; Thanks!
thanks everyone!

"mSummers" said:
Awesome! ; That was nice of her to pose for you. ; Did she replace the storyteller they had in the same spot a couple of years ago? ; I remember seeing pictures of a lady on that bench during MNSSHP
I dont know, maybe I am wrong about who she is? she never really said who she was, she walks around and talks to people in line.

"Scottwdw" said:
; Did you use flash on the last one or others? ; Thanks!
I know I used flash on the last one. I had the flash dialed way down. I cant remeber on the first. it looks like it was either dialed down too far or off. I did use rear slow synch! ; i know you'd like to hear that Scott!! :)
The "ghostly lady in waiting" was hoot a few years ago when I dressed up. ; After getting out of HM with my head still intact I got the opportunity to talk with her (im character) all the way to her exit point for her break. ; Can only imagine how cool the Bride is.

brought to you by an (HTC) "Incredible" Guy.
"Craig" said:
I know I used flash on the last one. I had the flash dialed way down. I cant remember on the first. it looks like it was either dialed down too far or off. I did use rear slow synch! ; i know you'd like to hear that Scott!! :)

That's boy, Craig! ; Down to 5 days before I see her and the rest of the gang. ; I'll be rear-sync'ing for sure and seeing how the D700 handles the lighting.
we saw her during the party thursday, 10/21, she was going by the name carlotta that night, great stuff, will post a photo as soon as i get a chance to process them,got back sunday pm and it's been hectic catch up since then