Hairpin Curves at Test Track


On the "outside" part of the hi-speed run...

nice shot, scott. i want to get a shot of the radar unit that you whiz by with the 65mph if i can next time...
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Not the best effort- I thought of it almost too late.


"Tim" said:
nice shot, scott. i want to get a shot of the radar unit that you whiz by with the 65mph if i can next time...
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Here's the best I was able get. I thought to take it when the car goes outside and down that huge drop. That is a hard time to make sure your camera is set up right and switch from aperture to shutter priority, check your iso, and make sure your shutter speed is not set too fast because yesterday you were at MGM shooting the Lights Motor Action with a really fast shutter speed!! Next time I will set up the camera first and shoot more!
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