Greetings Program


Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Mose and I've been a Florida resident for just over 1 year now. I take lots of pictures in the various theme parks around the Orlando area, but especially in WDW. I'm currently using a point-and-shoot camera ; but will be upgrading to a Digital SLR in the near future. My favorite park is the Magic Kingdom, I especially like Tomorrowland at that neon :)

Anyway...first post is above...first pic is below.


Adventureland at Night
Welcome Mose! ; We like B&H photo around here so when you are ready to take the plunge and buy your d/slr, just ask and we can try to put you in the right direction. ; Looking forward to reading your posts and discussing Disney photos with you. ;
Welcome to TMIP Mose...good to have you aboard. ; I like the night shot at Adventureland - looks like you are into the same type of photography I am. ; I moved to a DSLR about 1 1/2 years ago from many years with an ultrazoom P&S - lots of folks underestimate what you can do with a P&S camera if you know what you're doing!

Look forward to seeing more from you around here.
Welcome Mose! ; I LOVE your avatar, might I ask where you got it? ; Welcome to the Boards, and great shot of Adventureland at night.
Hey, thanks for the warm greetings everyone!


My icon was made using a picture I took of one of the trashcan logos at the Polynesian resort.

I tend to take a lot of pictures at the Polynesian :)