Greetings from Snowy Minnesota


Hi all,

First time posting here. ; I came across this site via Scott's blog posts, and he recently mentioned and covered Pixelmania! -- where was I when that was announced?!

Anyway, I've mostly been reading and posting over on the DIS boards photography forum, and am happy to see another board dedicated to Disney photography. ; I also see there are some of the same members.

My family and I frequent the World once or twice a year, are DVC members at BCV, but will stay pretty much anywhere. ; I'm always up for a trip to sunny Florida! ; Sometimes we even branch out a bit and make our way over to the Gulf beaches (also great fodder for the camera).

I've been a photo hobbyist since 5th grade (my teacher had us set up a darkroom in the school, the school bought some Canon film rangefinder cameras, and off we went). ; I've toyed with photography off and on since then, but have really gotten into it more since the advent of digital.

Canon is my current brand of choice -- I mostly like the way the camera fits in my hands and the user interface. ; I really want a new body (camera, not personal), but those pesky distractions like tuition, etc constantly get in the way.

When not behind the camera, I can be found working at my clinic/hospital, where I work as a family/emergency physician.

I'm looking forward to spending some time looking through this site, and getting ideas and inspiration for my next Disney photography opportunity (which happens to be the week after Christmas).

Warm regards,

Welcome to the forums Boris!

Umm, enjoy the busiest time of the year at the parks!

/did it once as a tourist, few times as a local to Walt's park
//too busy
///not doing it ever again, even at Walt's park.
welcome aboard, jump right on in with a post, and definitely stay tuned for pixelmania announcements, the public is clamoring for a repeat
Thanks all for the warm welcome.

I have a couple of questions.

1. ; There are many forums. ; Is there a convenient way to keep track of new posts or does one have to browse the entire list of forums looking for what's new?

2. ; Do I have to type in the anti-bot letters for each post, or is there a way to disable that?

3. ; When posting images, is it done the same way as with the DIS boards?


Boris, in the top bos next to your avatar, there should be a line that says Show unread posts since last visit, I just click on that everytime I am here, and it brings up a list of all of the "new" thread comments. ; As for the anti-bot letters I am unfamiliar, but I always use the quick reply at the bottom, unless I am posting photo's, then I use the reply function which will open a full editor. ; In that editor you can either upload your photo's or link to them in the thread. ; It is up to you. ; I always link to them. ; I hope this helps.
Thanks for the info. ; I've posted a few picks in the Epcot forum. ; I'm just using the same way I did on DIS, pasting the image address into the post.

I see that for anyone under 15 posts, you have to do the verification thing.


hi there, boris. ; if you look at the bottom of the post window, i put some easy directions for posting images, either as attachments or inline images. ; thanks for joining and please enjoy our great community.
Thanks Gumpwurst! ; That works great. ; I'll make that my bookmark instead of the homepage. ; Now if you just had some way to get me the time to spend more time on this instead of the "real life" stuff I have to deal with at home....


Welcome indeed - nice to have you here.

The unread posts link is great, and even easier if you are popping in within 5-8 hours of the last visit is to just scroll to the bottom of the list of forums...there is a running list of about 20 of the most recent posts down there.

You should be past the bot confirm soon enough - just another 10 posts or so!