Greetings from MovieMouse

1. What's your first name? ; Jeff
2. Do you have a nickname? ; no
3. What Province do you live in? ; Ontario
4. How did you find the forums? ; WDWMagic board
5. Age (or age range)? 44
6. Marital status? Married
7. Occupation? Movie Theatre Owner/Municipal Politician
8. Favorite food? Mexican
9. What vehicle do you have? Ford Edge
10. Which WDW park is your favorite? Hmmm ; - all of them? ; #1 - MK, #2 - HS
11. Who is your favorite character in a WDW attraction? ; The main mouse himself
12. How often do you take a trip to WDW? Went first time in Jan 2009 - loved it so much went back in March - hope to be there at least once a year
13. Explain your user name/how you came up with it. ; I have been in the motion picture theatre business since I was 13 and the Mouse is #1 in my books - therefore MovieMouse
14. How long have you been a Disney addict? Since a young child. First movie in a theatre was "That Darn Cat" (the orignal) and that event launched a love of movie theatres and Disney.

THANKS for hosting this board for the Canadian Disney Fandom!

It must be some fun owning a movie theatre. ; I've often thought that owning and managing a small, quality, movie theatre for my small hometown would be fun.

Welcome MovieMouse - see you in the posts.
Welcome ... So glad you found us :)

I look forward to talking Movies with you
Welcome to the boards Jeff!!!!!!

My favourite place and movie to watch is (any of the) Pirates of Carribean while aboard the Magic laying on a lounge or in the hot tub under the stars in the carribean sea......that rocks. ; Can't wait to do it next year...I highly recommend it!
Thanks for the kind welcome everyone.

To those who have commented on the movie theatre business being fun - you are right. ; I have been in this business since I was 13 (now 44). Even when I wasn't doing it full time, I kept my fingers in it by helping out a local theatres or working part time (for popcorn) as a projectionist. Our business is addictive (sort of like Disney!). ; I started my own cinema company in 1998 and have two locations in Oakville and Burlington. While we play a little of everything (except R rated horror), we focus on family films and Disney product is our life blood. We just installed digital 3D at our Oakville location and opened UP last Friday and it has been insanely busy.

My first ever experience in a movie theatre was when my mother took me to see That Darn Cat ('65 version) and I absolutely fell in love with the big screen and have never looked back. ;

My Disney addicition has been a life long thing, but I had never made the time to go to one of the Disney parks. This January, three of my five kids and my wife and I finally took the plunge and I have never had so much fun! ; In fact, we went back in March becuase I just couldn't stay away. My addiction has turned into an obsession (a good one) with all things Disney (particularily WDW).

I enjoy cruising the various Disney Boards - this is the only one I have joined and hope to find time to participate with all of you. It is great to have like-minded folks to share this interest because not everyone understands...

One thing that I am in the midst of is using the Disney Guest Services model in my business. My management team is going through a "Disneyfication" and we are using Disney Institute books and courses to help transpose the outstanding guest services model to our cinemas. Really digging into the Disney way is exciting and really gives and excellent prospective on how they pull off the magic! I stongly encourage reading the book "Creating Magic" by Lee Cockrell (former VP Operations for WMW).

Anyway, I hope this post gives you a bit more insight and I look forward to chatting in the days/weeks/months to come!

Jeff (MovieMouse)
"Sheila Gallant-Halloran" said:
wow - I'm intrigued by your application of Disney thinking to your management. ; That's wonderful!

When you consider the success of the Disney brand, and particularly their parks, it is only natural that others in the entertainment business should adapt. ; They (Disney) are quite happy to share their business model through The Disney Institute as well as various books they publish as well as other third parties.

I must say, I expected that my team would have been less than happy about it, but they are all thrilled and having fun learning about "The Disney Way". What is going to be interesting is when we spring this on our 75 guest services staff who are mostly teenagers. ; While they stand to benefit the most, I expect them to think that their bosses have gone Goofy.

For me, it gives me a new mission on our visits to The World. While a wonderful playground for all ages, it now has the added bonus of being a fascinating classroom as I observe the theories in practice.