Greetings from Boston

Hey all, glad to be here. A fusion of my two favorite things in the world... Disney and lenses. Hope to meet some new friends here!

A little about myself... 26, enjoys long walks on beaches, sunsets... oh wait, no. In all seriousness, 26 Bostonian... primary career is finance, budding and aspiring professional photographer. Specializing in portraiture, moving into Weddings... occasionally shoot and sell freelance for publications.

I haven't shot much of Disney... I really need a solo trip. When I travel with my fiance its hard for me to get into the photography mode when I am sharing time with someone who uses her cell phone to take pictures. Taking time to compose, test settings, and test again doesn't bode well with the wife. I shoot enough on nights and most weekends to justify shooting even more when I am on vacation.

You can find my work over at
Welcome indeed - as a fellow financial professional and semi-pro photographer, it sounds like we have some things in common (except I'm older) ;) ; I definitely recommend a solo trip to Disney if you ever get the chance- it's just what photographers need to really fall for Disney scenery.
Please do not hesitate to participate, post, comment, or critique. We are actively working on increasing membership and participaation in our community
And we have a board for non-Disney photos so please share what you have now and will be shooting in the future. ; Oh, unless its anything with the Bruins. ; ;)
man, thanks for all the welcomes!

As for being a financial professional, hardly... its a day job. I can't really hang with the best here, with CFA's and MSF's I am certainly lacking the education.

Thanks for the comments on my site, the business is slowly growing.

And the Bruins... hate them, raised in Boston but have been a Canadiens fan since I was a kid!
"dodphotography" said:
And the Bruins... hate them, raised in Boston but have been a Canadiens fan since I was a kid!

That's the spirit!!! ; Nice home and home last week. ; Let's hope the long layoff this week helps the Habs after a 3-0-1 week.
"Scottwdw" said:
That's the spirit!!! ; Nice home and home last week. ; Let's hope the long layoff this week helps the Habs after a 3-0-1 week.

I get so much crap from my family, friends, neighbors, strangers... you name it, they hate the Habs here. ; I started going up there every year with my mom and dad for tournaments, we would always stay a few days past the tourney and catch some habs games up the forum.

Enough of the Canadians talk. ; :D How bout those NJ Devils? ; OK, so they are only slightly better than last year ; >:( , and you are in a pic with a dude in a Whalers jersey, so that is cool. ;
Welcome to the forums, Glad you could join us. Like the long exposure shots on your site. Those are some of my favorite pics to take.