Goofy's Midway Game


I don't know why they kept the games, reminds me too much of DAK. ; And it's against what Walt wanted in his park(s).
The whole pay to play thing is not good. The park was full but there was nobody playing the games at all. Sad, all that work then this.
Or if they are going to do a pay to least make it a trivial thing, like the Frontierland Shooting Arcade. ; That's been pay to play for a while...but it doesn't really hurt.
@Roger... DCA was packed!! All the major rides Grizzly River, Toy story, Screamin' and Soaring had wait times of 40 min or more and the crowds were everywhere. When we went back into DL the crowds were, in my opinion, not half as bad as DCA. Weird huh? I have a feeling that once DCA gets up and running with CARSland, Mermaid dark ride and the watershow that place will be jumping all day every day.