Gone but not forgotten: The Villains Lair


Staff member
NPS 160

[attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]
I think it's the heraldry shoppe; when you go through the castle drawbridge - on the left is the entrance to the walkthrough and the Bibbiti Bobbiti Boutique, on the right is where the Villains Lair used to be. ;
Thanks Craig; I realized that it was 10 years ago when I shot dozens of rolls of film on 2 different trips to DL. ; Time to look through the archives again and see what the new(er) scanner can do with it....10 years ago I was using a SCSI scanner that was about 2100 dpi max...my flatbed is doing 4800 now. ; Heck I even have a new "Z" for the Alphabetical POTD thread now because of it....

Anyway, I've gone through two negative/slide cases now - the negatives take longer than the slides....
Sounds like a lot of work to process those slides/negatives, but well worth it. ; I also like that you let us know what film you used since I didn't realize there were that many. ; And I can't wait to see the new 'Z'
I posted the Z on another thread, go ahead and try and find it :)

Anyway, this was Fuji NPS160.