Games Rednecks Play


Here's a few from the Antique Tractor Pull at the Great Frederick Fair. Unfortunately, it ended early when something in the sled transmission broke.






and one from last year:

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So where's the jet powered tractors?

I know such things exist, I'm not just joking. I saw a major tractor pulling event on TV once, and they had a wide variety of classes. I think the turbine vehicles were in the unlimited class. Note when I say jet powered, I don't mean like the batmobile with flames shooting out the back.. they appeared to have the turbine engines (not just one, at least two of them) driving shafts that delivered power to the wheels. Which, for the record, is how I think cars should be powered by now. Piston engines are overly complicated, too heavy, and soooo last century.
And yes, I do get that a turbine powered tractor would not exactly be considered antique.

But seriously.. I love the shots with the tractor riders leaning waaay back in their seats, it's such an absurd vision, the idea of massive acceleration (complete with motion blur) yet they're riding tractors. Old, sometimes rusty tractors.

I dunno.. call me weird.. I'm kind of anti redneck in a lot of ways, but I've always been interested in tractor pulling. I find it fascinating. I mean I've already admitted to watching it on TV.

I have to ask though.. there was someone riding the sled? In the open? That doesn't seem safe. Yet that guys looks downright bored in most of the pictures.
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These are great shots. I love the motion blur. It is a nice effect. I almost thought that there was that tilt shift effect applied here until I looked closer. Could look funny though. :)
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"Dan" said:
So where's the jet powered tractors?

They have the jet powered ones on a different day during fair week... the antique pull is hosted by the Central Maryland Antique Tractor Club. I know its fun to watch the huge turbine engine tractors pull, but I like the antique pulls more. In the super modified classes, the driver still has to have a lot of skill, but the gobs and gobs of money the owners put into the jet engines, etc. is a big factor. With the antique pulls, it all comes down to the skill of the driver, and anyone can buy an antique tractor, fix it up and pull with it. I think you can get an old Farmall M for around $3000.

"Dan" said:
I have to ask though.. there was someone riding the sled? In the open? That doesn't seem safe. Yet that guys looks downright bored in most of the pictures.

They are pulling at the blazing speed of 4mph, so he is probably a little bored, but its completely safe. I think he also is there to release the weight so it would run back to the other end of the sled in an emergency to keep the tractor from tipping. In the fourth picture, you can easily see two metal posts down near the wheels of the tractor. Some pullers put those on to prevent the tractor from rolling over backwards. Others like the first picture and the last two pictures don't have them. Instead they have a chain up near the front tires. When the chain is no longer touching the ground, the flag man signals the puller to stop as a safety precaution.
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