I've read that this was a recent renovation - to add the changing color lights. <img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/030108/E/226e4496_6.jpg" /> <img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/030108/E/226e4498_5.jpg" />
Well Tim, if Kevin is correct, this is relatively new, as in, post MF. I don't remember having colored lights there before.
the waterfall itself is not new.... that wall is the former home of the skyway buckets. i never noticed the lighting there before...
Niiiiice. It's a relatively inexpensive effect to add, but still it puts some emphasis back into an essentially decommissioned building that I think deserves better. I approve.
I missed this thread somehow. I see tis every time but I don't usually think anything of it. I like the coloured lights.