So, I am surfing the web last night looking for a lens to rent because I am going to a good friends wedding next weekend and I have been told that she is counting on me to "get some of those nice pictures you take." So I thought I would rent something to give me a little better range than my 18-55 and 70-300. I wanted something to cross the two so I wasn't switching lenses and missing anything. I had hoped to get the sigma I rented last year, it was an OS 18-200, and I had a good experience with it. I see that Tamron has finally come out with a 28-300 VC that I was very intrigued with. I am in the process of chatting about this all with my wife and happen to stumble across a really good deal from a rental company for a used Canon EF 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM. There wasn't much difference between the rental and the purchase, and my wife, who is a penny pincher extraordinaire, pipes up and says "you might as well just buy that lens." I jokingly said ok, and she went on about how we never got to the city for my birthday the way we planned, so I might as well get the lens for my present. I couldn't believe it. So I ordered it and I should have it within a few days. Funny how things happen sometimes.