FS: 300mm f/4 AF-S & TC-17EII

~For Sale~

300mm f/4 AF-S - Lens is in Excellent Condition, Perfect Glass, USA Model w/ Box & Case - $1150 [SALE PENDING]

TC-17EII AF-S Teleconverter (Gray) - Like New, purchased from Adorama in April w/ Box & Papers - $300 [SOLD]

Prices include Shipping in CONUS and Paypal Fees.




Great stuff- but I've got something new in mind. ; 8)
There are two new Leica's coming out? ; I had no idea. ; I'm sure I would have to sell this plus everything else I own AND a kidney or something to afford them. ; But no- I have the Epson R-D1s and the Yashica GSN Electro-35 so I am happy with my rangefinders- both digital and film.

I'll give you an hint- if I sell this then I would say most of the 40 rolls of 120 film I bought on Ebay the other day will NOT end up in the Holga.
Actually I am 90% leaning toward a Hasselblad 500CM & 80mm f/2.8 (10% still considering the Rolleiflex 2.8F but the whole TLR thing scares me a little bit.)