From the archives...the Castle then and now (film v digital)


Staff member
1999, Reala:

2009, digital:


Yes, the trees were in the way. ; They cut them wayyyyyy back.

[attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]
I'm sure they are lighting the castle differently now as well, but I gotta say that the digital seems to have gotten a better "real" view of the castle.
Both are nice, ; Good point about the lighting Poly, although the film version has the center medallion(?) right above the entrance lit better than in the digital version.
"Paul" said:
although the film version has the center medallion(?) right above the entrance lit better than in the digital version.

It looks like the lights for the medallion are turned of in the digital version