From the archives: Fantasy in the Sky! (from Innoventions)


Staff member
I'm pretty sure this was the same night as the Observatron pic:

[attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]
Yes I do Craig!

Pretty sure I posted this one a long time ago, but tonight I can go through the archives again:

I take it you want more??

Here you go:


First gen attempt at Mouse Ears:[nb]Believe...there's magic in the stars also saw the first comet launches, true mouse ears attempt, and fireworks from the castle itself. ; Believe premiered 3 years before Wishes, and was considered the best fireworks show on the Disney N.A. properties. ; Until Wishes, which held that honor until Remember.... ; Just remember that those Mickey Ears FW all started from Believe.[/nb]
