
out noodling around today with a new lens, i have gotten a zeiss loxia 21mm f2.8, it is an all manual old school lens but with optics designed for the Sony full frame e mount bodies. this thing is sharp, i had seen some really outstanding landscape stuff on both flickr and over on fred, but i had always shied away due to the all manual way. so i finally decided to give it a whirl, cannot believe how easy it is with the sony. this was near sunset tonight, with a graduated nd filter on the end, i am finally getting into the setup i have, a cheaper version of the lee seven 5 . i will be testing this in a few days out in new mexico. another train charter, another road trip, although much shorter this time.

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thanks all. if i remember correctly i pushed the grad nd line down below the far tree line, that is where the river makes a left hand bend and goes down into some very twisty, turning tree lined woodsy parts . for those not knowing this is the peconic river, only about 2 miles upstream from where it runs into the peconic bay salt water estuary part, i am standing on a paved roadway on the top of a small flood control type dam with a culvert running underneath and a 4 foot waterfall drop on the downstream side. behind me is a parking area/fishing access point, to my right is the canoe portage point for folks to portage around the dam to continue downstream. there is a rental operation in riverhead that takes you almost 10 miles upriver where you can then spend about 5 hours paddling down river to the take out point literally right behind their business. they also will transport you and your own canoe upriver for a reasonable fee, especially if you are willing to tag along with an already reservationed group. something i have done many times over the last 20 years, although since i got kayaks i do not do as much canoeing as i used to.
the lightroom preset used is called blue hour linear dark, and is one of a package called natural everyday by sergio ramelli that i recently purchased, i know scott has also gotten some of sergios lightroom presets, i heartily recommend them
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