Food & Wine Fest.... 2009 Style


Let's see some of those pics from this year's Food & Wine Fest!!!!

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Yo, Scott! ; Welcome aboard! ; I'm going to miss this year's festival but am enjoying everyone who is posting them. ; :)
Nice composition Scott! ; I wish I was going to make it down for this years festival, oh well, I'll just live it through all of the photo's that will be posted. ; PLEASE keep them coming.
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ya know, come to think of it, it don't think i took any pics of food and wine this past trip. ; what is wrong with me?
Here are some of the ones I took. I didnt take too many this year either. maybe since we didnt buy any food.......

[attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]
Thus was the last weekend for food and wine and it was quite a revelling crowd. ; By revelry, I meant imbibed. ; Wow. ;
Nice stuff. I really like the shots of the oil and past in Italy. I worked over that display for awhile when we were there a couple of weeks ago. You really captured it nicely.