Part of our trip in April was a 1.5 day stop in Florence. Florence was beautiful as you can see from this view of the Ponte Vecchio (which is just a bridge of nothing but jewelry shops). Ponte Vecchio by John Wolff, on Flickr
Here is the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, known as the Duomo. Quite an impressive chuch, only saw the outside though. Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore by John Wolff, on Flickr
Similar view to the above shot, of the St. Trinity Bridge, as seen from the Ponte Vecchio. Florence, Italy by John Wolff, on Flickr
So Mama Sue and I did some very early work here in Florence as well. This time we took a taxi to Piazzale Michaelangelo, which offers fantastic views of Florence. Florence by John Wolff, on Flickr