Flickr Top Ten


Staff member
One of the perks of a Flickr Pro account is all of the statistics that are available. Among them is a list of your ten most viewed photos. It is my belief that Flickr counts a "view" as any time one of your photos appears on someone's screen, whether it happens by clicking on a link from another web site, social media or web search, a visit to your Flickr page or a Flickr search.

Regardless of how it happens, I thought it would be fun to post my current top ten and invite other Flickr users to do likewise. If you use a different photo sharing site that offers similar statistics, feel free to join in the fun.

Here are my current top ten. I'm amazed at the variety represented.

#10 - Power Girl cosplay, Gen Con, 2012

Power Girl left the planet Krypton at the same time as Superman, but arrived on Earth much later. (You can do a web search to get all of the details.) She's a favorite of the living-in-the-basement-of-their-parents crowd thanks to her peak-a-boob costume.

I'm up here, guys

#9 - 1972 McLaren M8F Can-Am racer, SVRA Brickyard Vintage Racing Invitational, 2014

The Canadian-American Challenge Series was the epitome of sports car racing in the late 60s and early 70s. There were pretty much no limits placed on the cars. It was a great thrill to see this classic McLaren racing around the Indianapolis Motor Speedway road course.

Can-Am classic

#8 - A tender moment from Beauty and the Beast, Disney's Hollywood Studios, 2019

A touching scene from an entertaining show. What more can you say?

Beauty and the Beast

#7 - Aurra Sing, Star Wars Weekends, 2013

The first of four SWW photos in the top ten. Good boys are attracted to bad girls, and this bounty hunter is really bad.

Sing, sing a song

#6 - Ahsoka Tano, Star Wars Weekends, 2015

Characters from the Star Wars: The Clone Wars cartoon series are very popular. It seems like someone does a search for Ahsoka every two or three days on Flickr.

Back at ya

#5 - Zatanna and Power Girl cosplay, Gen Con, 2013

I'm not sure who's the bigger draw here, the magical Zatanna or the revealing Power Girl. Either way, DC Comics is the winner.

DC parade

#4 - Ahsoka Tano, Star Wars Weekends, 2014

Another popular shot of Anakin Skywalker's padawan.

No, not quite right

#3 - Girl Racer, Indianapolis MotoGP race, 2011

Apparently girls on motorcycles have a special place in the hearts of some people. This lady is not on a motorcycle, but she is modeling the latest riding apparel during a fashion show put on by Italian motorcycle maker Ducati.

Girl racer

#2 - Walt Disney, Partners statue in WDW's Magic Kingdom, 2011

My theory is that the high ranking of this photo is due to the fact that it pops up on any search that includes the word "Disney." Despite that, it's still a nice photo.

Walt Disney - the man, the myth, the legend, the statue

#1 - Sabine Wren, Star Wars Weekends, 2014

The most popular character from the Star Wars Rebels cartoon series, the hit count for this young Mandalorian is boosted by links from Pinterest.

Rebel, rebel
i will have to see what my top ten are, but most of my flickr stuff is either baseball stadium trips, or local landscape stuff
well this is certainly weird, apparently my #1 viewed photo on flickr is this, a landscape snapshot taken at a beach i frequented growing up, taken with my sony a6300, an infrequently used these days aps-c body, from a couple of years ago??

founders landing-2 by gary faucon, on Flickr
and number 2, again just a snapshot with the a6300, now yes i did use a tripod and try for something decent, but this is part of about 80 photos i took, just trying to document the many roads in southold township that end at beaches or creekside, before i grow too old to even remember many of these exist, so many of these are down these little stub end pieces of road, many no more than 2-300 feet long, they may or may not have on old piece of metal mat thrown down to make a sort off boat ramp, i mean they make great kayak launch sites, and visiting them in the summer for that purpose over the last 10 your ears is what led me to the winter visits to document their existence, but i really did not think they had great landscape art value

pequash avenue-1 by gary faucon, on Flickr