flickr sales


Tim doesn't have a business board so I'll post this here. ; Today I got another inquiry from someone looking to use one of my photos I have on flickr. ; This time they want to either buy it outright or license it for use on websites (notice the plural). ;

Can't find much on the web about this. ; Anyone ever do this from flickr or another online site where you show your work? ; Thanks!
You might want to ask this on FredMiranda, more "Pros" on that site.

Congrats! ; You deserve it.

Was it a Disney shot?


Nope, a photo of a landmark around Syracuse. ; Thing of it is. ; The last time I was asked it was for a large run pamphlet and they would not tell me what they were looking for price wise. ; So, I gave them one and they decided to use a staffers photos instead. ; I am thinking this person is looking for a freebie or very low price. ;

Thanks, I'll try over at Fred Miranda's. ;
I have had a few but always just looking for something for free. ; I usually say okay- just send me a copy of the magazine, pamphlet, link to the website, or whatever- so far nobody has ever sent me anything though.
Congrats Scott!
I have had two times where I signed licensing agreements.
both have had as part of the agreement how you want credit, name, website....

one was for aol for three web sized images that they could use for a year with a clickable link to my site. no compensation, just the hope to drive more traffic to my site.

my big one was for a documentary film that included two of our pictures. One of mine and one of Dina's. that film just got released this year. no compensation again, but Dina and I and our website got credit in the film. plus it is a film about the architect who designed the Contempoary, so it is really great to be involved even a little!

Good Luck to you!
I emailed them back asking what kind of budget they had for photos for the website projects. ; No word back yet.

This request was for a commercial site and I am sure they pay for hosting and other content development. ; Why shouldn't the photographer be paid if the rest are?
I've actually done this a few times over the past 3 years or so...I've had maybe 20 inquiries, of which 8 ended up accepting my price (or offering their own price which I accepted)...the others either never responded or went elsewhere. ; I drafted up several contracts to use for these situations - one for single purchase, one time use, and another for publication/distribution with a yearly rights and maximum publish run limitations. ; Usually responding with one of these will let any legit publisher or procurement houses know you're serious, while scaring off those looking for freebies. ; I always mention that price is negotiable per the situation - I accepted a higher price for a photo of mine used in a national publication than I did for photos used in an internal corporate publication at a company that would have no profit/sale/national exposure.

I agree...the photographer has just as much right to be paid for work for a commercial site - not only did others involved in the site's construction and maintenance get paid, but especially if the site itself is for-profit and the website aids in their profit.
"Scottwdw" said:
Why shouldn't the photographer be paid if the rest are?

You definitely should get paid for your work. ; The only time I would consider allowing the use of my photos without payment would be for a non-profit organization that I have some sort of interest in, but even then, I would still want to recieve credit for the photo.

Good luck, and let us know how it works out.