FINALLY! Flower & Garden 2012 photos


Staff member
I haven't seen F&G for a very long time...I dug back for the last time I was up there for it, and came up with 2006...actually, that was cheating, since we were technically there AFTER F&G, but they hadn't dismantled most of the displays yet.

So last week I finally got to be there on the last official day, May 20...and finally got some photos of the displays (since the last time I mostly shot with pocket cameras!). ; Here are my F&G 2012 shots - most of these with my A580 and Tamron 10-24mm UWA lens:










Finally got back inside the old Wonders of Life pavilion!:



Switched to my NEX-5N with 55-210mm lens for these two:

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Nice job, esp the monorail. Now i just have to throw this out there, i wonder if it would be feasable to one day have a f&g pixelmania
Great series Justin! ; I agree with Gary, the monorail is sweet! ; I like the last two also!

Flower and Garden Pixelmania? ; I am in if it is during my spring vacation!
F&G Pixelmania would be tough for me, but I'd try if it ever happened. ; Usually though I can't get to Disney after early Feb and until early June - busy time of year at work (this was the exception, since it was a 'work' trip!).

Thanks Gary & John.
Justin the Monorail shot is awesome! ; I am also really liking the last two that you took with the NEX! ; Glad you finally made it to F&G
Nice shots Justin, really like that butterfly. Wish I could make it down there for this event.

Gary, great idea. ; Might be easier to get down there solo during F&G than during the December time period.
Thanks Paul, Jeff, and Jay. ; Don't feel too bad Paul for not getting down there for it yet - I live down here and it's been 6 or 7 years since I've been able to see it!
Thank you kindly. ; I had to throw in a couple closeups, and the NEX w/55-210 was the long lens I had with me that day since I was letting the 10-24mm stay on the DSLR.