Feedback on two Canon lenses I am thinking about purchasing


I am about to buy a Canon EF50mm1.4AF lense and a EF100-400L4.5-5.6 IS lense for my EOS Rebel XSI. Was wondering if anyone on here has one or both , what they think about them and any fedback on buying from B & H, they seem to have the best price on both.
The 50mm 1.4 is about 1000.00 cheaper than the 1.2 since I don't shoot for a living i could justify spending the money on the 100-400 by buying the 1.4 instead of the 1.2 ;

Any thought experience and advise would be greatly appreciated. I woul dlike to order in the next week or so
i have the 50 f/1.4 and use it A LOT on dark rides.
i have demo'd a lens similar to the 100-400L (35-350) a while back and it seemed pretty cool but (LOTS of reach); the push/pull zoom took some getting used to but with a little practice it seemed like second nature.
Re: Feedback on two Canon lenses I am thinking abo

I have the 50 f/1.8 and like Tim use it a lot on Dark rides, but wished I had gotten the f/1.4. ; The f/1.8 is a bit flimsy and the AF is a bit erratic at times. ; Go with the F/1.4.

I have had great service with B&H and would not hesitate to use them again.
"BB3126" said:
and any fedback on buying from B & H, they seem to have the best price on both.

I cannot provide any feedback on the lenses since I'm a Nikon shooter, but I have purchased my Nikon D300, my 18-200VR lens, batteries, a netbook, network hub, card reader and flash media from them and I have nothing but kudos to say about using B&H as an online retailer.
i think you will be very pleased with each of them. ; the 50 f/1.4 focuses very fast when it gets a good lock. ; VERY fast.
The new lenses are here, will have to try them out today. The 100-400 is larger than I imagined it would be but still managable even without a tripod. I have pit and garage passes this weekend at Atlanta Motor Speedway and shopuld be able to really get a feel for them shooting some there. Will try and post some results. I can not wait to take these lenses to WDW in October.
here is a photo with the new 100-400 of course since I got the lense not the first hummingbird has been spotted

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bumble bee

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BB, Make sure you post some of the NASCAR pics, especially those Hendrick cars. ; I envy you with the garage passes.
Aha, a motorsports shooter.

The 100-400 has been said to be the ultimate airshow lens because the IS lets you use slower shutter speeds which will help blur the prop disc of propeller aircraft, that creates more pleasing images.

I'll bet there's a similar benefit at work when shooting moving cars, you can use a lower shutter speed and get more motion blur while keeping the subject car sharp.
here is a humming bird
will post a new thread with some of the NASCAR pics, aany help with the 100-400 would be appreciated

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