Fast Pass


In our prior Disney trips, we have always been able to use fast passes well AFTER the stated return interval (but never before). ; Is this accepted practice or only because we were always travelling in non-busy times?
I think they only HAVE to accept them during the window. Otherwise, think it's up to CM's discretion.... and probably how busy it is. (When we were at toy story and ride closed for mechanical issues, some CMs told us fastpass good til park closed that day... but I've definitely had other advice too.) ; You may not have a problem... but you never know... always better to try and respect the times if you can.
I have never heard of a cast member turning down an expired Fastpass for the day it was issued. Remember as long as it does not harm safety and you are not trying to exploit the system they will pretty much allow anything.

A good read on how Disney deals with their rules is "Be Our Guest" ISBN: 0786853077