and the one that intrigued me the most this past week, was the idea that great photos can be captured, even by point and shoot cameras. ; So I went and took a look at what was on my iPhone, which I use primarily to send photos to family when we are away, so they can live vicariously through us. ; My mom is particularly fond of this and asks me to do it often. ; I was surprised at what I found there, and I spent some time tonight tweaking them here and there. ; If you have one, and you use it sometimes to take really should go back and take a peek at what's in there. ; You might be surprised too. ; Take a look at what I found on my iPhone... A Castle A Window in Norway A Beautiful Place in the Kingdom A Tropical Place for a Smiling Face A Killer Sunset A Christmas Deer And Even A Bunch of Balloons
All fixed Pixie. ; I don't know why I keep having problems posting from flickr. ; It irritates the fire out of me.
I know what you mean. Technology creates as many problems as it solves I really like the balloon sshot!
And a few more in the non-Disney department... My Backyard The View From the Park My Boys Love Points of Light on a Fall Walkway My Favorite Campsite Sitting Alone on the Beach Sucker for a Sunset Just....Me
Thank you, Jason. ; It's my absolute favorite time of day. :-* ; I'd like sunrise too...if it could happen at 9am. It's interesting though...isn't it? ; I've been so caught up in cameras and lenses and equipment and blah blah blah...lately...that I've forgotten the sheer joy of capturing a photograph with whatever happens to be in my hand at the moment. It's good to remember that. :star:
Indeed! ; That is precisely why I always like to carry my ultracompact P&S with me...both when I don't feel like carrying the DSLR, or when I do, but just like to have a different view. ; It's my go-anywhere camera (since I don't use a camera on a phone) it takes the shots that I otherwise would have missed. I posted a thread a few weeks back on just this type of subject, of shots taken at Disney with my ultracompact - it sort of fell away with no replies, and didn't really need any - I just wanted to show that sometimes I am not lugging around my DSLR and lenses, but still enjoy looking for shots and having a camera with me - and having one so small like an ultracompact or camera phone I think releases you in a way from thinking too much and passing on some shots - I sometimes can just have fun and give it a try. ; My old thread just for a lark:,5800.0.html
Great shots! ; It is amazing at what you can do with Point and Shoots these days. ; Especially camera phones.
Justin, ; I'm sorry I missed that thread! ; There are some great shots there. ; I love what you said about how sometimes it's just nice not to have to think quite so much. ; That's what I love about it too. ; With the iPhone, I'm not worrying about any settings or which lens I should be using...I just hold it up and snap the moment. Sometimes I miss the simplicity of that and just want to live in the moment and record it within myself without trying to analyze it. Thanks for posting the link. ;