Extra credit...who knows where this might be? (SOLVED)

Discussion in 'Where Am I?' started by zackiedawg, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    I'm trying a close crop for detail of something a bit more off-the-beaten-path...so extra credit for whoever knows where you can find this:

  2. RedOctober25

    RedOctober25 Member

    Re: Extra credit...who knows where this might be?

    My initial guess would be the Adventurer's Club, but it might also be the backroom Library in the UK Pavilion.
  3. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    Re: Extra credit...who knows where this might be?

    It's not the library, and it's behind glass.

    And was the club open during the day?
  4. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Extra credit...who knows where this might be?

    the draughts would lead me to rose and crown but the pith helmet is throwing me off.
  5. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Re: Extra credit...who knows where this might be?

    Nah...not any of the above so far. Not UK pavilion...that's a little too ON the beaten path.

    No to Adventurer's Club...but that's thinking more off the beaten path. Think more like that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  6. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Extra credit...who knows where this might be?

    hmm... raglan road?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  7. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Re: Extra credit...who knows where this might be?

    Not Raglan Road...keep going off the path...far down the path, to the very ends of the path - to one of the more isolated places on the map.
  8. Craig

    Craig Member Staff Member

    Re: Extra credit...who knows where this might be?

    sunset room at AKL
  9. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Ding ding ding! Craig thought waaaay off the beaten path, and found himself standing in the Sunset room in the AK Lodge, where this very display can be found!

    Nice work...hope I didn't stretch the rules too much going outside of the parks - but I thought I'd try something a little more obscure.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  10. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    In case anyone's unfamiliar with the sunset room (one of my favorite places in AK Lodge...a most interesting and relaxing room!)...here is the shot I grabbed that crop from:

  11. Craig

    Craig Member Staff Member

    That one was an easy one for me. Dina and I had a wonderful night visiting Harkness Hideaway in August.
    Here is another view of the room.

  12. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Oh sure...go and whip up that super-wide angle to show up my measly 27mm!

    (great shot, btw - I figured many have been to the AK Lodge at some point, and someone would recognize it!).

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