EVF takes on Peter Pan


Staff member
Ahh yes everyone's favorite ride that loves to mess with autofocus systems...and boy does it. ; So I ended up using manual focus, which was better than I expected. ; The EVF makes it really clear when an image is out of focus or not on that ride. ; The problem is that the ride doesn't stop! ; So I got a few...acceptable shots.





EXIF is attached, ISO 6400, I did use Noise Ninja.
Very nice indeed! That ride is a killer for photogs, to be sure. Yeah, I'm sure the hit to miss ratio was very low, but you did hit some good ones and that's not something the majority of folks with cameras can do. (Especially w/o that flash...)

Good job!
Very nice- did you tone down the saturation especially on that first one? ; My efforts of the London scene usually result in oversaturated/blown-out blues.
No, I almost never do that. ; I usually turn it up a notch. ; Could be Apple's RAW rendering.