Ever wonder why the Tower of Terror is the color it is?


Staff member
So is doesn't create a site obstruction with Morocco's background in Epcot.


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Yep...cast members have confirmed this a few times. They actually had picked, and painted, the tower another color and decided to change it's base. Of course, the cast members usually follow that 'DYK' with a portion of the tower's lower wall(s) were blown out the first time they 'dropped' the ride vehicle the first time due to the amount of air that is displaced. That one seems a bit far fetched to me, but hey...it was two members of the Dream Squad, so I'm assuming they weren't lying!
i have heard that the walls in the breakroom in the TOT bend and bow a bit but never that the walls were blown out. sounds like an exaggeration.
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Wow, thats neat. I've never noticed that before. It is amazing how close all the parks are. Yet, it feels like it takes forever to get around WDW.