Epcot holiday decorations installation underway

We can't wait either. ; We just booked the Yuletide tour to get to see the behind the scenes. ; I can't wait to hear and see that magic.
Changes to Walt Disney World Christmas Day parade taping

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Changes to Walt Disney World Christmas Day parade taping
posted by Kristin Ford on Nov 20, 2008 12:05:33 AM
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Tickets for the annual Walt Disney World Christmas Day parade taping will not be distributed to passholders, or the general public, a Disney rep told me. Instead, anyone visiting the Magic Kingdom with a valid ticket can view the taping if space permits. In the past, a passholder giveaway distributed tickets for reserved areas in front of the castle and along Main Street. Then, Lightship Entertainment handed out the remaining tickets, which included free admission to the park, to the general public.

The main production dates have been confirmed for Dec. 5 and 6. The first day typically involves the performances in front of Cinderella Castle and the second is the actual parade on Main Street. If you've never gone to the taping, be forewarned that both days involve a lot of standing around and waiting -- this is a television production, people! In other words, you will not see the parade travel seamlessly down Main Street. Each float may be started and stopped several times to get the correct camera angles. Likewise, performers will come out and sing their songs multiple times after you watch hours of prep work by the crew.

Still, seeing a live television production is interesting and somewhat unique to a lot of us. Keep in mind, though, that small children will not be patient enough to endure the downtime. Trust me -- I know this from personal experience. The upside is that while Main Street is crowded during the taping days, the rest of the park typically is not.
Thanks for posting that parade taping information. ; Our friends went last year and got on TV which was pretty cool to see. ; Their kids were just old enough that they have a fantastic time too. ; The father and son ended up doing a pirates sword fight and the girls met the princesses. ; It was really neat to watch it on TV.
Oh boy I can't wait to see all the Christmas decorations in a few weeks. ; Really looking forward to the parade and fireworks at MVMCP! ; We just bought a new DSLR camera, so I should have plent of pics to post.

There you go Sheila. The version you posted you will need to be a paying member to see, and they don't allow redirects...
"Sorcerer Mickey" said:

There you go Sheila. The version you posted you will need to be a paying member to see, and they don't allow redirects...

This picture shows the one Christmas decoration I really dislike it blocks the view of the castle and fireworks. There should be nothing strung across mainstreet.