Epcot Christmas, and other night shots, 2007


Staff member
From Mousefest...thought I'd share some of the night shots I took of the Christmas display at the gateway, as well as some of the other night scenes I snapped just after the TMIP Epcot photo gathering.

Here's the tree (I wasn't standing in front for the lighting...I was walking down the rose trail between Canada and Journey when I realized the lighting was about to happen, so I stopped to snap a pic):


A few shots of the gateway arches, with the people milling about...I used a 5 second exposure stopped down to F6.3 to try to avoid blowing out the lights:


They went really bright on me, right in the middle of the shot!:


It's not a Christmas shot...but Spaceship Earth all lit up with the fountain show in front was something I had to take a snap or two of:


Where we were standing at the Gateway for the TMIP gathering was right across the lake from Journey into Imagination...which looked so colorful and reflective. I tried a 10-second shutter on this one:


After the TMIP, we were sitting around and chatting in the little recess where the old WorldKey kiosks were. I loved the way the yellow lights of Odyssey were reflecting and surrounding the raised walkway bridge, so I decided to try a slightly more abstract night shot, zooming in a bit:


Comments, questions, critique welcome. Enjoy, and Merry Christmas!
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I like seeing pictures of the parks all decorated for Christmas especially when I can't go. I like the last one I think it's the Odyssey restaurant I like how warm it looks but it still looks kinda sleek and modern.
These are all wonderful shots! I still wish I could have been there for mousefest, but at least I get to enjoy everyone's pictures.
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Thank you all.

Disneygeek - I wish they'd do something more with Odyssey - it's a nice space, with the bridges across the lake to get there, and nicely tucked between World Showcase and Motion. I remember for years walking through it after it had closed as a food service place - it wasn't locked or anything, but had nothing in it. Then a few years ago, I'd occasionally walk in to find conference tables, curtains, and buffet trays set up for some kind of event; or occasionally, the doors locked. I stopped going that direction this year. It seems so primed to be a great sit-down service restaurant or something...as crowded as most World Showcase restaurants are during the season, they could use another!
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Thanks nut...me too! Fortunately, I've only got another week to go before I'm at the Boardwalk again and strolling into Epcot! :)
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you're welcome!! have fun, wish i was there! it's cold but i'm going on a cruise (Non-Disney cruise but that's ok) I hope to go to WDW this fall! My last trip there was Nov 2005
Wow...so long away from WDW - I don't think I could go that long! The longest I was away from WDW in my life was for the 4 years I lived in California...but I went to DL half-a-dozen times a year, so I still got my dose of Disney.

I've been to a Disney park every year since 1971.

My other favorite vacation is cruising - I cruise all the time, especially with the ports so close to me down here. I just went on my 24th cruise last November, and usually cruise at least once per year. Amazingly...I've never been on a Disney cruise either!
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The longest I've been away from my home away from home is five or six years we moved around a bit but now were back in Florida and going about three or four times a year as it should be.
I agree! I'll be there again in just about 10 more days...can't wait!
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Thank you! I'm off in just about 14 hours. Just wrapping up laundry and packing later tonight, and sleeping in tomorrow before jumping in the car and heading up.
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