Epcot - Abstracts 04-19-08


In totally random order:



This was a cheer leading group posing for someone else...yes, I snuck a picture!










Yes, it's what you think it is - the next generation of beautiful butterflies in the making!







OK, still with me? I shot this one before, but this is the one I meant to take:

thanks for another enjoyable series, kiki.
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Really just a fantastic eye. Very nice.

I really love the water lilly shot - perfect execution.
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Kiki, I like the photo of the bubbles in the water. It was a really interesting shot.
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"PolynesianMedic" said:
Kiki, I like the photo of the bubbles in the water. It was a really interesting shot.

Thank you! I don't know why I've been fascinated by water lately, but it seems that I have...
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