End of Winter Beginning Spring

or something like that down here in south GA... Went to a Camellia show a few weeks back small town show- but some beautiful specimens non the least- and when they let me open the side door to capture some natural light shots---my mind was already reeling for next year...just a few to share with you--- knowing the majority of youse guys probably dont love shooting flowers- its still playing with color and light--- right. ;)

IMG_3712 by lightslicer, on Flickr

IMG_3514 by lightslicer, on Flickr

IMG_3656 by lightslicer, on Flickr

IMG_3682 by lightslicer, on Flickr
Not end of winter anywhere in the North. ; It's been COLD the past few days.
Sorry ; Tim---we are only 15 miles from the Florida Border....we have had shorts on this winter several and had to drip the water due to freezinf temps this past weekend- the weather seems confused down here....in fact I have already had azaleas blooming :o and then frost bit.... >:( ; I have blooming pear trees and blooms on the blueberries- May not have any fruit do to this confusion :'(

These flowers start blooming here in very late october- and some varieties bloom through the end of March-first of April..just saying...( not like I dont have any idea of what cold weather is like though- was born in Vermont- lol....many moons ago...
Agreed - the third is a nice standout among those - great lighting, and the least distractions.

You're right on the weather - very confused, and for the most part, winter didn't bother to come again. ; That's now two years in a row we've essentially skipped winter - and though Florida winters are never like the rest of the country, there are still usually 3-4 weeks of temps in the upper 30s and low 40s for lows, and 50s for highs, and about 2 months where temps stay no higher than mid-70s. ; Last winter we had 2 days that reached the low 40s, and that was it - and this year we did a little better with 5-6 days in that range. ; But the rest of the time we've bounced from a few days in the mid-70s back well into the 80s - for two consecutive winters! ; Yesterday reached 81 after having been a high of 60 on Sunday...and the next 7 days forecast mid to upper-80s. ; IN FEBRUARY!

I'm only happy that one of the brief cold fronts was kind enough to come exactly when I was up at Disney a few weeks ago.
Thanks- I begged to let them let me open a side door and grabbed a folding chair- trying to stay out of peoples way and not grab a flower someone else might want to just look at. It was more serendipity than anything. ; Next year- I shall plan.. ; 8)