Thanks Cooleo! ; I was very pleased with some of the ones I got out of this show this time. ; Even though the lens couldn't keep up some of the time, but I got a better hit rate then I ever did with the Edsel.
Nice shots - the dolphin is super sharp, so the focus grabbed it nicely. ; Did you prefocus on that spot manually, or did autofocus manage to get the dolphin? On an aside, I'm going nuts trying to figure out 'SWSA'...Sea World South Austin, Sea World South America, Sea World See Austin, Sea World Si Amigos...I just can't figure it out!
AF somehow tracked it. ; I don't think I was using the 3D color tracking. ; Sea World San Antonio. ; Yee haw! ; Where the fourth flag will fly over Texas again![nb]Just kidding. ; I think. ; I'm not sure if people remember the last time a state decided to secede[/nb]
Ah...never thought of San Antonio! ; I saw you are in Austin, and kept trying some version that included 'Austin' in it! ; I've only ever driven through San Antonio on the I-10 and jumped off the freeway just to say I saw the Alamo.