Which means that for the 55th Anniversary, Remember won't be playing. ; Instead, Magical, which has less pyros and one flying elephant. ; Yeah yeah World of Color will probably blow it out of the water but Remember is the best fireworks show on Disney property. Ever. ; You can't beat laser beams attacking the Castle from Main Street. ; Except maybe having a projected X-Wing actually flying down Main Street like it was the trench..... ; : So for Disneyland's 55th, you get Fantasmic!, Magical! and EO Tribute. ; If you go to the former parking lot you'll get World of Color and lots of construction walls. ; Now I'm looking forward to the Trolley that will take you from the "hub" all the way back to the Tower of Terror....that is going to be cool....wish that they had done this[nb]The improvements[/nb] in the first place.
It's making me want to take another trip....Remember's only going to be playing until June 11....then no more for the rest of the year (Magical is followed up by the new Halloween show and then Believe in Holiday Magic) Last year when I went in April the two nights we had at the park the show was canceled due to winds.
I'm not sure if MK will be getting a flying Dumbo or not; the press release says that they haven't even named MK's new fireworks show yet! The biggest difference is that Magical! uses less pyro to appease the SCAQMD[nb]South Coast Air Quality Management District[/nb] lords. ; MK doesn't have to do that.
Re: Disneyland announces that they will have Night Well it looks like we may be stopping by DL for a few days this Summer, so I can't wait to see World of Color!