direct from the front yard to you


taken 15 minutes ago from my front yard, unfortunately it was off to the left (south) of the sound avenue church, otherwise it would have been great framing the old wooden steeple, a real new england style classic wood church, i could have gotten that shot but it would have taken too much walking time to get into position and i probably would have lost these particular clouds and colors due to this being the trailing edge of a cold front/rainstorm moving out finally after 4 days of east coast drizzle

give me silver, blue and gold, the colors of the sky i'm told

5 bonus points to the first viewer to correctly identify the lyric

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Very nice, Gary. The front is just starting to move out for us here in NH, too.

The lyric is from "Silver, Blue and Gold" by Bad Company (one of their better songs).
and we have a winner folks, just heard it last night while listening to sirius classic vinyl while surfing
Sorry for the geeky star wars moment I am about to have but the center of the clouds there looks like an upside down rebel alliance logo. ok, back to reality now.
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Oh yeah? Well I think it looks like a Klingon Bird of Prey.

That really was my first impression when I looked more closely to see what all the hubbub was about. I'm pleased to have been able to represent the other half of the world of obsessive, geeky fandom. I always thought of myself as primarily a Star Wars guy, but.. the prequels just kind of killed it for me, and meanwhile I've been watching Voyager and sometimes TNG.
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