

I was just curious if anyone has ever been on Dinosaur at Animal Kingdom? ; It used to be called Countdown to Extinction. ; I have seen a travel show where the host went on the ride and it looked fun, but I haven't been on it yet. ; I honestly don't even remember seeing it in AK. ; I know it is near Primeval whirl, but that is about it.
We were going to go on it, but we were pretty hungry so we heade to rainforest cafe.........and by the time we finished eating, we were ready to head back to the hotel.

Everyone getting off thought it was cool........a few of them even went back on right away.
Yup... been on it a few times. ; It's ok. ; We noticed last time that it was a lot darker than 3 years ago... and not as 'smooth' a ride.

If you're prone to injury due to sudden changes in direction, you should avoid the ride. ; Likewise if strobe lights cause problems for you.

It's tucked off in a corner off the beaten path in Dinoland U.S.A... but almost the whole line is indoors, so if you're trying to get away from the heat for a little bit (and really, which ashphalt paths, the heat can get a bit much) it's a good way to kill some time while you cool off.
been a while since I've ridden it - last trip this September, had 20 month old; trip before I was 6 months pregnant so avoided it... however, I have ridden it several times and really enjoyed it.
Really intense ride. Scared the bejeezus out of my 11 year old at the time.
I though it was tremendous thrill.

OH MY GOSH!!!!! ; ;This is the one attraction I LOVE to HATE!!! ; ;It scares the crap out of me everytime! ; ;I am such a wuss, and yet keep going back for more!
Oh this ride sounds like so much fun then. ; I can't wait to experience it for the first time:-) ; Never used to like scary rides, but I am so looking forward to it now. ; Sean, we are definitely checking this one out ;)
We love this ride. ; Our son went on it when he was 3 and it did scare him quite a bit but as soon as we got off, he wanted to get back on.
I love this ride. My 9 year old loved it too the 4 year old didn't go on it. Keep in mind there us a lot of movement in the ride. My friend liked the ride itself but the jostling of the cars was bad for his back.